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"Y Tu Mama Tambien" / a review from Christian Spotlight on the Movies
Spaci Y Tu Mama Tambien (And Your Mother Too), a Mexican film written and ... In conclusion, the film has nothing particularly to edify the Christian, but, ...
Mission Statement - United States Department of Faith - WHITEHOUSE.ORG
Spaci The DOF's mission is to infuse traditional Christian values into American politics and ... glue-sniffers, colored single-mothers, and so-called "scientists. ...
www.whitehouse.org/dof/mission.asp - 20k -
"Heartbreakers" / a review from Christian Spotlight on the Movies
Spaci No age limit period for a "christian" can be placed on this movie. ... You never know when a woman may be trying to seduce you with what she is wearing. ...
Rev. Robert Bowman: What Would Jesus Do?
Spaci He wants us on the side of single mothers, gays, Arabs -- all the tax ... The ultimate norm of Christian life has to be Jesus, His words and deeds -- and if ...
www.counterpunch.org/bowman0922.html - 27k -
Catholic "Church" Not Christian
Spaci The Roman Catholic "Church" is Not Christian ... latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; ...
www.jesus-is-lord.com/cath.htm - 18k -
Seducing Minds With the Socratic Method | Interview with Peter ...
Spaci Art of Christian Friendship by Mother Mary Francis, P.C.C. ... Whether we are single or married, priest or religious, the Lord himself called us his friends ...
Book roundup | csmonitor.com
Spaci csmonitor.com - The Christian Science Monitor Online ... The teacher of the title is Vida, a single mother who is teaching "Tess" to her high-school ...
www.csmonitor.com/2005/0923/p15s01-bogn.html - 44k -
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